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Caution Respecting Diseased Brood

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

When no apiary from which to purchase can be found, but where the

disease _has made_ its appearance, and you are necessitated to purchase

from such, or not at all, you cannot be too cautious about it. It would

be safest in this case to take none but young swarms, as it is not so

common for them to be affected the first season, yet they are not

always exempt. But here, again, you may not be allowed to take all

young sto
ks; in which case let the weather be pretty cold, the bees

will be further up among the combs, and give a chance to inspect the

combs. At this season, say not earlier than November, all the healthy

brood will be hatched. Sometimes, a few young bees may be left that

have their mature shape, and probably had been chilled by sudden cold

weather--these are not the result of disease, the bees will remove them

the next season, and no bad results follow. In warm weather a

satisfactory inspection can be had no other way, but by the use of

tobacco smoke. Be particular to reject all that are affected with the

disease in the least; better do without, than take such to begin with.

(A full description has been given of this disease in another place.)

