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Feeding To Induce Early Swarms

Categories: FEEDING.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

If the object in feeding is to induce early swarms, of course the best

stocks should be chosen for the purpose; but some care is necessary not

to give too much, and fill the combs with honey, that ought to be

filled with brood, and thereby defeat your object; one pound per day is

enough, perhaps too much. The quantity obtained from flowers is a

partial guide; when plenty, feed less; when scarce, more. Begin as soon

ou can make them take it up in spring, and continue in accordance

with the weather, till white clover blossoms, or swarms issue. Another

object in feeding bees at this period, is to have the store combs all

filled with inferior honey, so that when clover appears, (which yields

our best honey,) there is no room except in the boxes to store it,

which are now put on, and rapidly filled. When this last object is

alone wished for, it is not much matter how much is given at a time,

providing it is all taken up through the night; it will then take no

time in day-light, when they might work on flowers; also, the bees

would have no trouble in repelling any attempt of others to get at it.

