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Larger Hive More Safe For Long Winters Or Backward Spring

Categories: HIVES.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

About the first of April they commence collecting pollen and rearing

their young; by the middle of May all good stocks will occupy nearly,

if not quite all, their brood-combs for that purpose, but _little honey

is obtained_ before fruit blossoms appear; when these are gone, no more

of any amount is obtained until clover appears, which is some ten days

later. (I am speaking now particularly of this section; I am aware it

is very different in other places, where different flowers exist.) Now

if this season of fruit flowers should be accompanied by high winds, or

cold rainy weather, but little honey is obtained; and our bees have a

numerous brood on hand that _must be fed_. In this emergency, if no

honey is on hand of the previous year, a famine ensues; they destroy

their drones, perhaps some of their brood, and for aught I know put the

old bees on short allowance. This I do know, that the whole family has

actually starved at this season; sometimes in small hives. This of

course depends on the season; when favorable, nothing of the kind

occurs. Prudence therefore dictates the necessity of a provision for

this emergency, by making the hive a little larger for northern

latitudes, as a little more honey will be stored to take them through

this critical period. From a series of experiments closely observed.

