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Long Cells Sometimes Turned Upward

Categories: BEE PASTURAGE.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

When storing honey in boxes, cells of this size are usually much

longer, in which case they are crooked, the ends turning upward,

sometimes half an inch or more; this, of course, will prevent the honey

from running, but if the box is taken off and turned over before such

cells are sealed, they are very sure to spill most of their contents.

The cells in the breeding apartment, of ordinary length, will hold the

honey wel
enough as long as horizontal; but turn the hive on its side,

and bring the open end downward, in hot weather, or break out a piece

and hold it in that position, the air will not sustain it in them, but

will, in the size suitable for workers.

When the hive is fully supplied with bees and honey, (unless destitute

of a queen,) I never examined one, winter or summer, but it had a

number of unsealed cells containing honey, as well as pollen; it is so

when they have stored fifty pounds in boxes, even when so crowded for

room as to store honey outside or under the bottom-board; ever having

some cells open for a ready supply.

Young swarms seem unwilling to construct combs faster than needed for

use; it would appear, at first thought, to be a lack of economy. When

no honey is to be obtained and nothing to do, then it would seem to be

a fine chance for getting ready for a yield; but this is not _their_

way of doing business; whether they cannot spare the honey already

collected to elaborate the wax, or whether they find it more difficult

to keep the worms from a large quantity of comb, I shall not decide. Of

this I am satisfied, that it is better arranged by their instincts,

than we could do it. Large swarms, when first located, if honey is

abundant, will extend their combs from top to bottom in a little more

than two weeks; but such hive is not yet full; some sheets of comb may

contain honey throughout their whole length, and not a cell be sealed

over; but, however, they generally find time to finish up within a few

inches of the lower end as they proceed. Whenever unfinished cells

contain honey, it will generally be removed soon after the flowers

fail, and used before that which is sealed; and the cells will remain

empty till another year.

