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My Own Experience

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

My first experience will probably go back to a date beyond many others;

it is almost twenty years since the first case was noticed. I had kept

bees but four or five years when I discovered it in one of my best

stocks; in fact, it was No. 1 in May and first of June. It cast no

swarm through the summer; and now, instead of being crowded with bees,

it contained but very few; so few, that I dared not attempt to winter

it. What was the matter? I had then never dreamed of ascertaining the

condition of a stock while there were bees in the way, but was like the

unskilful physician who is obliged to wait for the death of his

patient, that he may dissect and discover the cause. I accordingly

consigned what few bees there were to the "brimstone pit."

