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Requisites For Good Stocks

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

The proper requisites for a good stock are a full hive of proper shape

and size, (viz., 2,000 inches,) well stored with honey; a large family

of bees, and in a healthy condition, which must be ascertained by

actual inspection. The age is not important till over eight years old.

Stocks possessing these points, can be wintered with but little

trouble. But it cannot be expected that all will be in this condition.

Many bee
keepers will wish to increase their stocks and keep all that

is practicable, by supplying any deficiency. I shall endeavor to make

it appear profitable to do so, until bees enough are kept in the

country, to get all the honey that is now wasted.

All can understand why it is a loss to have bees eat honey part of the

winter and then die--that the honey consumed might have been

saved--that it makes no great difference to the bees whether they are

killed in the fall or sacrificed in the winter. I am not an advocate

for fire and brimstone as the reward of all unfortunate stocks, and

shall recommend it only when its use will make it no worse. We will see

how far it can be dispensed with.

