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Sizes Of Hives Important

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

Another point is worthy of consideration: endeavor to get hives as near

the right size as possible, _viz._, 2,000 cubic inches; better too

large than too small. If too large, they may be cut off, leaving them

the proper size. But yet, it often makes an ungainly shape, being too

large square for the height. As the shape probably makes no difference

in the prosperity of the bees, the appearance is the principal

after being cut off.

An acquaintance had purchased a lot of bees in very large hives, and

called on me to know what to do with them, as he feared such would not

swarm well in consequence; I told him it would be doubtful, unless he

cut them off to the right size.

"Cut 'em off! how can that be done? there is bees in 'em."

"So I expected, but it can be done nearly as well as if empty."

"But don't you get stung dreadfully?"

"Not often: if it is to be done in warm weather, I smoke them well

before I begin; _in very cold weather_ is the best time, then it is

unnecessary; simply turn the hive bottom up, mark off the proper size,

and with a sharp saw take it off without trouble."

"Some are filled with combs; you don't cut off such, do you?"

"Certainly; I consider all the room for combs in a hive over 2,000

inches as worse than lost."

"What will you ask to cut mine off? If I could see it done once, I

might do it next time."

"The charge will be light; but if you intend to keep bees, you should

learn to do everything pertaining to them, and not be dependent on any

one; I did it before I ever saw or heard of its being done." I then

gave him full directions how to manage, but could not persuade him to


