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Snow Need Not Always Prevent Carrying Out Bees

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

I am not particular about the snow being gone--if it has only lain long

enough to have melted a part of it, it is "terra firma" to a bee, and

answers equally well as the bare earth. When the day is right, about

ten o'clock I put out twelve or fifteen, taking care that each hive

occupies its old stand, at the same time endeavoring to take such as

will be as far apart as possible; (to make this convenient, they should

carried in in the manner that you wish them to come out.) When the

rush from these hives is over, and the majority of the bees has gone

back, I set out as many more about twelve o'clock, and when the day

continues fair, another lot about two. In the morning, while cool, I

move from the back to the first apartment, about as many as I wish to

set out in a day, except a few at the last.

To do this in the middle of the day, while warm, would induce a good

many bees to leave the hive, while the light was admitted, and which

would be lost. It will be supposed generally that their long

confinement makes them thus impatient to get out; but I have frequently

returned stocks during a cold turn of weather after they had been out,

and always found such equally as anxious to come out, as those which

had been confined throughout the winter; without the airings, I have

kept them thus confined, for five months, without difficulty! The

important requisites are, sufficient warmth and perfect darkness.

