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Categories: BREEDING.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

I am not anxious to establish a new theory, but to get at facts. If we

pretend to understand natural history, it is important that we have it

correct; and if we do not understand it, say so, and leave it open for

further investigation. It is my opinion that we _know_ but very little

about this point. I wish to induce closer observation, and would

recommend no _positive_ decision, until all the facts that will apply

been examined. Whether these drone-egg theories have been too

hastily adopted, the reader can decide; I shall offer a few more facts,

somewhat difficult to reconcile with them.

First, in relation to the queen being "eleven months old" before laying

drone eggs. We _all_ agree, I believe, that the old queen goes with the

first swarm, and a young one remains in the old stock. Now suppose the

first swarm leaves in June, and the old stock yet contains a numerous

family. The flowers of buckwheat in August yield a bountiful harvest of

honey. This old stock rears a large brood of drones. Is it not proved

in this case that the queen was but two months old, instead of eleven?

We further agree that young queens accompany second or after-swarms.

When these happen to be large and prosperous, they never fail to rear a

brood of drones at this season. What is the age of these? I apprehend

that this eleven months theory originated in sections where there are

no crops of buckwheat raised, or in small quantities. Clover generally

fails in August, and May, or June, of another year comes round, before

there is a sufficient yield to produce the brood. With these

observations _only_, how very rational to conclude that it must be a

law of their nature, instead of being governed by the yield of honey,

and size of the family? If the periods of drone egg laying are limited

to only two or three, it would seem that all queens ought to be ready

with this kind of egg, about the same period of the season, but how are

the facts?

I would like to inquire what becomes of the first series of drone eggs,

the last of April, or the first of May, when the stocks are poorly

supplied with honey, or when a family is small and but little honey

through the summer? No drone brood is matured in these cases. It is not

pretended that the queen has any control over the germination of these

eggs, yet somehow she has them ready whenever the situation of the hive

will warrant it. Two stocks may have an equal number of bees the first

of May; one may have forty pounds of honey, the other four pounds; the

latter cannot afford to rear a drone, while the other will have

hundreds. Let two stocks have but four pounds each at any time in

summer when honey is scarce, now feed one of them plentifully, and a

brood of drones is sure to appear, while the other will not produce

one. Whenever stocks are well stored with honey, and full of bees, the

first of May will find drone-cells containing brood. If the flowers

continue to yield a full supply, these cells may be examined every week

from that period till the first swarm leaves, and I will engage that

drone brood may be found in all stages from the egg to maturity; and

the worker brood the same. In twenty-four days after the first swarm

leaves, the last drone eggs left by the old queen will be just about

matured. When transferring bees from old to new hives, I generally do

it about twenty-one or twenty-two days after the first swarm, (this is

the time to avoid destroying the worker-brood; the particulars will be

given in another place.) I have transferred a great many, and _never

failed_ to find a few drones about ready to leave the combs. Whether

the swarm had left the last of May, or middle of July, there was no

difference, they were on hand.

A very early swarm in good seasons, will often fill the hive, and send

out an issue in from four to six weeks: the usual amount of drone-brood

may be found in these cases. The following circumstance would appear to

indicate that all the eggs are alike, and if they are laid in

drone-cells, the bees give the proper food and make drones; if in

worker-cells, workers, just as they make a queen from a worker-egg,

when put in a royal cell.

In a glass hive, one sheet of comb next the glass, and parallel with

it, was full size; about three-quarters of this sheet was worker-cells,

the remainder drone-cells. The family had been rather small, but now

had increased to a full swarm; a few drones had matured in the middle

of the hive. It was about the middle of June, 1850, when I discovered

the bees on this outside sheet, preparing it, as I thought, for brood,

by cutting off the cells to the proper length. They had been used for

storing honey, and were much too long, being about an inch and a half

deep. In a day or two after I saw a few eggs in both worker and

drone-cells; four or five days afterwards, on opening the door, I found

her "majesty" engaged in depositing eggs in the drone cells. Nearly

every one already contained an egg; most of these she examined, but did

not use them; six or eight, it appeared, were all that were unoccupied;

in each of these she immediately deposited an egg. She continued to

search for more empty cells, and in doing so, she got on the part of

the comb containing worker-cells, where she found a dozen or more

empty, in each of which, she laid one. The whole time perhaps thirty

minutes. Query? Was her series of drone eggs exhausted just at this

time? If so, it would appear that she was not aware of it, because she

examined several drone-cells after laying the last one there, before

leaving that part of the comb, and acted exactly as if she would have

used them had they not been pre-occupied. Did the worker-cells receive

some eggs that would have produced drones, but for the circumstance of

being deposited in worker-cells? I know we are told that an egg may be

transferred from a worker-cell to one for drones, or an egg taken from

a drone-cell and deposited in a worker-cell; that the exchange will

make no difference, the bee will be just what the first deposit would

have made it. How the knowledge for this assertion was obtained, we are

not informed, at least of the practical part. That an egg was ever

detached from the bottom of one cell safely and successfully deposited

in another, without breaking or injuring it in some manner, to make the

bees refuse it, permit me at present to doubt.

