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Two May Be United

Categories: LOSS OF QUEENS.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

Whenever these swarms issue near enough together, it is best to unite

them. I have said second swarms were generally half as large as the

first. By this rule, two second swarms would contain as many bees as a

first one, and four of the third, or one of the second issue, and two

of the third, &c. If the first and second are of the ordinary size, I

think it advisable always to return the third. But in large apiaries it

common for them to issue without any previous warning, just when a

first one is leaving, and crowd themselves into their company, and

seeming to be as much at home as though they were equally respectable.

Whenever the hives containing our swarms are full or very near it, the

boxes should be put on without delay, unless the season of honey is so

nearly gone as to make it unnecessary.

I have found it an advantage to hive a few of these very small swarms,

on purpose to preserve queens, to supply some old stocks that sometimes

lose their own at the extreme end of the swarming season. The cases to

be mentioned at the last of the next chapter. I try and save one for

about every twenty stocks that have swarmed.

