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Categories: Diseases and their Remedies

Mange, or leprosy, is one of the most unpleasant and difficult diseases

to manage of all the ailments to which cattle are subject requiring the

nicest care and attention to render it easy of cure. An animal badly

nursed will not, under the most skillful treatment, quickly recover. Its

causes are in the main, due to poor food, which produces a debilitated

condition of the system, and in connection with a want of cleanliness,
r /> causes a development of the acari, or minute insects, exciting very

great irritation upon the skin and causing the cow to rub herself

against every object with which she comes in contact. The hair falls

off; a scurfy appearance of the skin is perceptible; and the animal is

poor in condition and in milk. The great trouble in treating this

disease springs from its contagious character; for, no sooner is the

animal, oftentimes, once free from the acari than it comes in contact

with some object against which it has previously been rubbing, when the

acari which were left upon that object are again brought in contact

with the animal, and the disease is reproduced. If, immediately after

the proper applications are made, the animal is removed to other

quarters, and not allowed to return to the former ones for six or eight

weeks, there is, generally speaking, but little trouble in treating the


Take the animal upon a warm, sunny day, and with a scrubbing-brush

cleanse the skin thoroughly with Castile-soap and water; when dry, apply

in the same manner the following mixture; white hellebore, one ounce;

sulphur flower, three ounces; gas-water, one quart; mix all well

together. One or two applications are, generally, all that will be

required. Give internally one of the following powders in the feed,

night and morning: flowers of sulphur, two ounces; black antimony, one

ounce; nitrate of potassa, one ounce; mix, and divide into eight


