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Accumulation Of Faeces Described By Some Writers As A Disease

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

This accumulation of faeces is considered by many writers as a

disease--a kind of dysentery. It is described as affecting them towards

spring, and several remedies are given. Now if what I have been

describing is not the dysentery, why I must think I never had a case of

it; but I shall still persist in guessing it to be the same, and

suppose that inattention with many must be the reason that it is not

discovered in col
weather, at the time that it takes place. Some

stocks may be badly affected, yet not lost entirely, when moderate

weather will stop its progress. When a remedy is applied in the spring,

long after the cause ceases to operate, it would be singular if it was

not effectual. I have no doubt but some have taken the natural

discharge of faeces, that always takes place in spring when the bees

leave the hive, for a disease. Others, when looking for a cause for

diseased brood, and found the combs and hive somewhat besmeared, have

assigned this as sufficient; but according to my view, have reversed

it, giving the effect before the cause.

