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An Extra Quantity Of Pollen Not Always Detrimental

Categories: BEE PASTURAGE.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

To test whether this extra quantity of bee-bread was so _very_

detrimental, I have introduced into such hive in the fall a family with

a queen and wintered them in it, and watched their prosperity another

year, and never found them less profitable on that account. I am so

well satisfied of this, that whenever I now have a hive in such a

situation, it is a rule to introduce a swarm.

It is calculated, I bel
eve, generally, that when medium-sized hives

are full, about seven-eighths of the cells are made the proper diameter

for raising the workers, the remainder for drones, except a few for

queens. Here is one circumstance I do not remember to have seen

mentioned, and that is, bee-bread is generally packed exclusively in

the worker cells. I would say always; but I would do better to be

careful, especially as I find my bees doing things so differently from

some others. I might as well remark here, that when taking combs from a

hive filled with honey, if such pieces were selected as contained only

the large or drone cells, but little risk of bee-bread would occur; of

the other combs, the outside sheets and the corners of the others near

the top are the next best. The sheets of comb used principally for

raising workers, and the cells next those so used, for an inch or two

in width, are nearly all packed with pollen, and much of it will

remain, when the breeding season is past. Smaller portions are found in

the worker cells in nearly all parts of the hive; even the boxes will

sometimes contain a little.

