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Bees When In The House Should Be Kept Perfectly Dark

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

When not kept perfectly dark, a few would leave the hives in either

case. I have found it much better to make the room dark to keep the

bees in the hive, than to tie over them a thin muslin cloth, as that

prevents a free passage of the vapor, and a great number of full stocks

were not at all satisfied in confinement; and were continually

worrying, and biting at the cloth, till they had made several holes

through it for
passages out. Thus the little good was attended by an

evil, as an offset. Even wire cloth put over to confine them, which

would be effectual, would not save bees enough to pay expense. I have

thus wintered them for the last ten years, and am extremely doubtful if

a better way can be found.[17] For several years I made use of a small

bed-room in the house, made perfectly dark, in which I put about 100

stocks. It was lathed and plastered, and no air admitted, except what

might come through the floor. It was single, and laid rather close,

though not matched.

[17] I was so well pleased with my success, especially with small

families, that I detailed the most important points in a

communication to the Dollar Newspaper, Philadelphia, published

November, 1848.

