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By Gaining One Point Produce Another Evil

Categories: HIVES.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

I think it will be an easy matter to show that every departure from

simplicity to gain _one_ point, is attended in another by a

correspondent evil, that often exceeds the advantage gained. That we

have made vast improvements in art and science, and in every department

of human affairs, no one will deny; consequently, it is assumed we must

correspondingly improve in a bee-hive; forgetting that nature has fixed

limits to
the instinct of the bee, beyond which she will not go!

It will be necessary to point out the advantages and objections to

these pretended improvements, and then we will see if we cannot avoid

the objections, _and retain the advantages, without the expense_, by a

simple addition to the common hive; because if we expect to encourage

bee-keeping, they must have better success than a neighbor of mine, who

expended fifty dollars for bees and a patent, and lost all in three

years! Most bee-keepers are farmers; very few are engineers sufficient

to work them successfully. I would say to all such as do not understand

the nature of bees, adhere to simplicity until you do, and then I am

quite sure you will have no desire for a change.

