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Great Disadvantage Of Killing The Bees

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

Those rustic bee-keepers who are in the habit of making their hives

very large, such as will hold from 100 to 140 lbs., and killing the

bees in the fall, and sending the honey to market, will probably

continue the use of sulphur, unless we can convince them of the greater

advantage of making the hive smaller and have fifty or eighty lbs. of

this honey in boxes which will sell for more than can be realized for

their larger hive full, and at the same time, save their bees for a

stock-hive, making a better return in the long run, than one hundred

dollars at interest. When hives are made the proper size, the honey

will not be an object sufficient to pay for destroying the bees.

