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Hive To Be Inverted

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

Whatever conveyance is employed, the hive should be inverted. The combs

will then all rest closely on the top, and are less liable to break

than when right end up, because then the whole weight of the combs must

depend upon the fastenings at the top and sides for support, and are

easily detached and fall. When moving bees, so reversed, they will

creep upward; in stocks part full, they will often nearly all leave the

bs, and get upon the covering. In a short time after being set up,

they will return, except in very cold weather, when a few will

sometimes freeze; consequently a warm room is required to put them in

for a short time.

After carrying them a few miles, the disposition to sting is generally

gone, yet there are a few exceptions. In moderate weather, when bees

are confined, they manifest a persevering determination to find their

way out, particularly after being moved, and somewhat disturbed. I have

known them to bite holes through muslin in three days. The same

difficulty is often attendant on attempting to confine them to the hive

by muslin when in the house in the winter, except when kept in a cold

situation. Should any combs become broken, or detached from their

fastenings, in hives not full, by moving or other accident, rendering

them liable to fall when set up, the hive may remain inverted on the

stand till warm weather, if necessary, and the bees have again fastened

them, which they do soon after commencing work in the spring. If they

are so badly broken that they bend over, rolls of paper may be put

between them to preserve the proper distance till secured. When they

commence making new combs, or before, it is time to turn the right end

up. While the hive is inverted, it is essential that a hole is in the

side, through which the bees may work. A board should fit close over

the bottom, and covered, to effectually prevent any water from getting

among the bees, &c.

