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How Swarms Are Generally Managed That Leave For The Woods

Categories: SWARMING.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

Some of my neighboring bee-keepers lose a quarter or half of their

swarms by flight, and how do they manage? When the word is given out,

"Bees swarming," a tin-horn, tin-pan, bells, or anything to make a

"horrible din," is seized upon in the hurry of the moment, and as much

noise made as possible, to _make_ them cluster; (which they naturally

would do without the music, at least all mine have. This probably gave

rise t
the opinion of one old lady, who _knew_ "drumming on a pan did

good, for she had tried it.") Very often a hive is to be constructed,

or an old one unfit to use any way, needs some sticks across, or

something to take time. When the hive is obtained, it must be washed

with something nice to make the bees like it; a little honey must be

daubed on the inside; sugar and water, molasses and water, salt and

water, or salt and water rubbed on with hickory leaves, "is the best

thing in the world;" several other things are just as good, and some

are better. Even whisky, that bane of man, has been offered them as a

bribe to stay, and sometimes they are persuaded and go to work.

