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King-bird One Word In His Favor

Categories: ENEMIES OF BEES.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

The king-bird stands at the head of the list of depredators! With a

fair trial he will be found guilty, though not so heinously criminal as

many suppose. I think we shall find him guilty of taking only the

drones. In the afternoon of a fair day he may be seen perched upon some

dry branch of a shrub or tree near the apiary, watching for his

victims, occasionally darting to seize them. I have shot him down and

examined h
s crop, after seeing him devour a goodly number; but in

every instance the bees were so crushed to pieces, that it was

impossible to distinguish workers from drones. We are told of great

numbers of workers being counted. It may be so, or it may be thus

represented by a spice of prejudice. I have found the brutal

gratification of taking life so strong with some, that a natural

antipathy is allowed to take the place of justice, and a proper defence

is not allowed in such cases where the suffering party has not the

power to enforce it. If he was satisfied with workers as well as

drones, why does he not visit the apiary long before noon, and fill his

crop with them? But instead, he waits till afternoon for the drones;

and if none are flying, he watches quietly till one appears, although

workers may be out by hundreds continually. If the question is asked,

how they tell the difference in the two kinds of bees, I might suggest

that _instinct_ has taught most animals the proper kind of food, and

might direct the birds in this case. If it was not sufficient, a little

experience in catching bees provided with stings, might impart the

important difference, in one or two lessons. I once had a chicken that

knew the difference by some means, and would stand by the hive and

devour every drone, the moment it touched the board, while the workers

would pass by him in scores untouched!

Now, whether this taking the drones is a disadvantage or otherwise,

would depend entirely upon circumstances. If honey was a little scarce,

the less we had of them the better; it would also save the bees some

trouble in dispatching them. It is probably a matter of so little

moment to our bees, that it will not pay for powder to shoot them.

Martins, and a kind of swallows, are said to be guilty of taking bees

on some occasions; but as they pursue them on the wing (if they do),

the same remarks will apply as to the king-bird.

