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Making Them Drunk And Their Execution By Chickens

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

Mix with water just enough molasses and vinegar to make it palatable;

this is to be put in white saucers or other dishes, and set among the

hives at night. Like nobler beings, if not wiser, when once they have

tasted the fatal beverage, they seem to lose all power to leave the

fascinating cup; but give way to appetite and excitement till a fatal

step plunges them into destruction! The next morning finds them yet

ng in filth, weak and feeble. Whether they would recover from

the effects of their carousal if lifted out of the mire, and carefully

nursed like other specimens of creation, I never ascertained. With but

little trouble a chicken or two will learn to be on hand, and greedily

devour every one. Hundreds are caught in this way, although many other

kinds besides the bee-moth will be mixed with them. This drink may be

used till dried up, occasionally adding a little water; perhaps it is

better after fermenting. This recipe appeared some years ago in some

paper; I have forgotten where. Salt has been recommended to prevent the

mischief of the worms, as well as a benefit to the bees. I used it

pretty extensively for several years, as I thought without much

benefit, and got tired. I then tried salting a part, and let the rest

do entirely without, and found no difference in their prosperity. Since

then, some ten years ago, I abandoned its use altogether, and succeed

just as well.

