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Categories: WAX.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

Transferring the swarms to different hives from one to forty-eight

hours after being hived, will show their progress. I have found that

wax is attached to the top of the hive at first promiscuously, that is,

without the least order, until some of the blocks or lumps are

sufficiently advanced for them to begin cells. The scales of wax are

welded on the edge quite thick, without regard to the shape of the

cell, then an e
cavation is made on one side for the bottom of a cell,

and two others on the opposite side; the division between them exactly

opposite the centre of the first. When this piece is an inch or two in

length, two other pieces at equal distances on each side are commenced.

If the swarm is large, and honey abundant, it is common for two pieces

of comb to be started at one time on different parts of the top; the

sheets in the two places are often at right angles, or any other way,

just as chance happens to give direction. The little lumps that are

placed at random at first are all removed as they advance.

While the combs are in progress, the edges are always kept much the

thickest, and the base of the cell is worked down to the proper

thickness with their teeth, and polished smooth as glass. The ends of

the cell also, as they lengthen them, will always be found much thicker

than any other part of it when finished.

When two combs approach each other in the middle of the hive at nearly

right angles, an edge of comb is left there; but when an obtuse angle,

the edges are generally joined, making a sheet of crooked comb. It is

evident where the two combs join, there must be some irregular cells

unfit for rearing brood.

