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Remedies For Stings

Categories: ENEMIES OF BEES.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

Concerning the remedies for stings, it is a hard matter to tell which

is the best. There is so much difference in the effect in different

individuals, and the different parts of the body, as well as the depth

the sting reaches, that a great variety of remedies are recommended.

A person is slightly stung, and applies something as an antidote; the

effect of the sting is trifling, as perhaps it would have been without
anything, and the medicine is forthwith extolled as a sovereign remedy.

I have been thus deceived; when slightly stung applied what I thought

cured in one case, when in the next the sting might have penetrated

deeper, or in some other place, and the remedy would seem to have no

effect. For the last few years, I have not made any application

whatever for myself, and the effect is no worse, nor even as bad as

formerly. (This, I am told, is because the system is hardened, and now

can resist or throw off the effects.) Among the remedies recommended,

are saleratus and water, salt and water, soft-soap mixed with salt, a

raw onion cut in two and one-half applied, mud or clay mixed pretty wet

and changed often, tobacco wet and rubbed thoroughly to get at the

strength, and cold water constantly applied. To cure the smart, the

application of tobacco is strongly urged, and cold water is spoken of

with equal favor to prevent the swelling.

When stung in the throat, drinking often of salt and water is said will

prevent serious consequences.

Whether any of these remedies are applied or not, I suppose it is

unnecessary to say that the sting should be pulled out as soon as


