The Cause
Bee Keeping:
Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained
When extreme hot weather occurs immediately after the bees have been
gathering from a plentiful harvest for two or three weeks, or even
during the yield, the wax composing new combs is very liable to be
softened, till they break loose from their fastenings and settle to the
Sometimes the injury is trifling, only a piece or two slipping down; at
r times the whole contents fall in a confused and broken mass, the
weight pressing out the honey, and besmearing the bees, which in that
situation creep out, and away, from the hive in every direction.
I once had some new stocks ruined, and several others injured by hot
weather, in this way, about the first of September, immediately after
the flowers of buckwheat. The bees, or most of them, being covered with
honey, together with what ran out of the hive, at once attracted bees
from the others to the spot, which carried off the entire contents in a
few hours. This was an uncommon occurrence; I have known but one season
in twenty-five years when it occurred after the failure of honey in the
flowers. It usually happens during a plenteous yield, and then other
stocks are not apt to be troublesome.