Too Much Honey May Sometimes Be Stored
Bee Keeping:
Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained
After the flowers fail, and all the brood has matured and left the
combs, it sometimes happens that a stock has an opportunity of
plundering, and rapidly filling all those cells that had been occupied
with brood during the yield of honey, and which then effectually
prevents their storing in them. This, then, prevents close packing,
which is all-important for warmth. Although a large family, as much
care is needed as wi
h the smaller ones. Also such as are affected with
diseased brood should receive extra attention for the same reason.
Some bee-keepers are unwilling to risk the bold measure of inverting
the hive, but content themselves by merely opening the holes in the
top; this is better than no ventilation, but not so effectual, as all
of the moisture cannot escape. There are some who cannot divest
themselves of the idea, that if the hive is turned over, the bees must
also stand on their heads all winter!
Rats and mice, when they find their way into such room, are less bold
with their mischief than if the hive is in its natural position.