Utility Of Moth-proof Hives Doubted
Bee Keeping:
Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained
As for moth-proof hives, I have but little to say, as I have not the
least faith in one of them. When I come to speak of that insect, I will
show, I think, conclusively, that no place where bees are allowed to
enter is safe from them.
Several other _perfect hives_ might be mentioned; yet I believe that I
have noticed the principles of each. Have I not said enough? Such as
are not satisfied now would not be if I filled a volume. Our view of
things is the result of a thousand various causes; the most powerful is
interest, or prejudice.
It is said that in Europe, the same ingenuity is displayed in twisting
and torturing the bee, to adapt her natural instinct to unnatural
tenements; tenements invented not because the bee needs them, but
because this is a means available for a little change. "Patent men"
have found the people generally too ignorant of apiarian science. But
let us hope that their days of prosperity in this line are about