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Categories: Diseases and their Remedies

In the spring, and late in the fall, catarrhal affections are quite

common, occurring frequently in a epizooetic form. Coryza, or nasal

catarrh,--commonly called a cold in the head,--is not very common among

cows. As its name implies, it is a local disease, confined to the lining

membrane of the nose; and, consequently, the general system is not

usually disturbed.

Symptoms.--The animal will be observed to
sneeze; the Schneiderian

membrane (membrane of the nose) is heightened in color; cough sometimes

accompanies; there is also a muco-purulent discharge from the nose.

Neglect to attend to these early symptoms frequently occasions disease

of a more serious nature; in fact, coryza may be regarded as the

forerunner of all epizooetic pulmonary disorders.

Treatment.--The animal should be kept on a low diet for a few days;

the nostrils occasionally steamed, and one of the following powders

given night and morning, which, in most cases, will be all the medicine

required: nitrate of potassa, one ounce; digitalis leaves pulverized and

tartrate of antimony, of each one drachm; sulphate of copper, two

drachms; mix, and divide into eight powders. Should the disease prove

obstinate, give for two or three days two ounces of Epsom-salts at a

dose, dissolved in water, three times a day.

