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Crossing And Breeding

Categories: History and Breeds

The raising of cattle has now become a source of profit in many

sections,--to a greater extent, at least, than formerly--and it becomes

a matter of great practical importance to our farmers to take the proper

steps to improve them. Indeed, the questions--what are the best breeds,

and what are the best crosses, and how shall I improve my stock--are now

asked almost daily; and their practical solution would add many thousand
/> dollars to the aggregate wealth of the farmers of the country, if they

would all study their own interests.

The time is gradually passing away when the intelligent practical farmer

will be willing to put his cows to any bull, simply because his services

may be had for twenty-five cents; for, even if the progeny is to go to

the butcher, the calf sired by a pure-bred bull--particularly of a race

distinguished for fineness of bone, symmetry of form, and early

maturity--will bring a much higher price at the same age than a calf

sired by a scrub. Blood has a money value, which will, sooner or later,

be generally appreciated.

The first and most important object of the farmer is to get the greatest

return in money for his labor and his produce; and it is for his

interest to obtain an animal--a calf, for example--that will yield the

largest profit on the outlay. If a calf, for which the original outlay

was five dollars, will bring at the same age and on the same keep more

real net profit than another, the original outlay for which was not

twenty-five cents, it is certainly for the farmer's interest to make the

heavier original outlay and thus secure the superior animal. Setting all

fancy aside, it is merely a question of dollars and cents; but one thing

is certain--and that is, that no farmer can afford to keep poor stock.

It eats as much, and requires nearly the same amount of care and

attention, as stock of the best quality; while it is equally certain

that stock of ever so good a quality, whether grade, native, or

thorough-bred, will be sure to deteriorate and sink to the level of poor

stock by neglect and want of proper attention.

How, then, is our stock to be improved? Not, certainly, by that

indiscriminate crossing, with a total disregard of all well-established

principles, which has thus far marked our efforts with foreign stock,

and which is one prominent reason why so little improvement has been

made in our dairies; nor by leaving all the results to chance, when, by

a careful and judicious selection, they may be within our own control.

We want cattle for distinct purposes, as for milk, beef, or labor. In a

large majority of cases--especially in the dairy districts, at least,

comprising the Eastern and Middle States--the farmer cares more for the

milking qualities of his cows, especially for the quantity they give,

than for their fitness for grazing, or aptness to fatten. These latter

points become more important in the Western and some of the Southern

States, where much greater attention is paid to breeding and to feeding,

and where comparatively slight attention is given to the productions of

the dairy. A stock of cattle which would suit one farmer might be wholly

unsuited to another, and in such particular case the breeder should have

some special object in view, and select his animals with reference to


There are, however, some well-defined general principles that apply to

breeding everywhere, and which, in many cases, are not thoroughly

understood. To these attention will now be directed.

The first and most important of the laws to be considered in this

connection is that of similarity. It is by virtue of this law that the

peculiar characters, properties, and qualities of the parents--whether

external or internal, good or bad, healthy or diseased--are transmitted

to their offspring. This is one of the plainest and most certain of the

laws of nature. The lesson which it teaches may be stated in five

words:--Breed only from the best.

Judicious selection is indispensable to success in breeding, and this

should have regard to every particular--general appearance, length of

limb, shape of carcass, development of chest; in cattle, to the size,

shape, and position of the udder, thickness of skin, touch, length and

texture of hair, docility, and all those points which go to make up the

desirable animal.

Not only should care be exercised to avoid structural defects, but

especially to secure freedom from hereditary diseases; as both defects

and diseases appear to be more easily transmissible than desirable

qualities. There is, oftentimes, no obvious peculiarity of structure or

appearance which suggests the possession of diseases or defects which

are transmissible; and for this reason, special care and continued

acquaintance are requisite in order to be assured of their absence in

breeding animals; but such a tendency, although invisible or

inappreciable to careless observers, must still, judging from its

effects, have as real and certain an existence as any peculiarity of

form or color.

In neat cattle, hereditary diseases do not usually show themselves at

birth; and sometimes the tendency remains latent for many years, perhaps

through one or two generations, and afterward breaks out with all its

former severity. The diseases which are found hereditary in cattle are

scrofula, consumption, dysentery, diarrhoea, rheumatism, and malignant

tumors. As these animals are less exposed to the exciting causes of

disease, and less liable to be overtasked or subjected to violent

changes of temperature, or otherwise put in jeopardy, their diseases are

not so numerous as those of the horse, and what they have are less

violent, and generally of a chronic character.

With regard to hereditary diseases, it is eminently true that "an ounce

of prevention is worth a pound of cure." As a general and almost

invariable rule, animals possessing either defects or a tendency to

disease, should not be employed for breeding. If, however, for special

reasons it seems desirable to breed from one which has some slight

defect of symmetry, or a faint tendency to disease--although for the

latter it is doubtful whether the possession of any good qualities can

fully compensate--it should be mated with one which excels in every

respect in which it is itself deficient, and on no account with one

which is near of kin to it.

There is another law, by which that of similarity is greatly

modified--the law of Variation or divergence.

All animals possess a certain flexibility or pliancy of organization,

which renders them capable of change to a greater or less extent. When

in a state of nature, variations are comparatively slow and infrequent;

but when in a state of domestication they occur much oftener and to a

much greater extent. The greater variability in the latter case is

doubtless owing, in some measure, to our domestic productions' being

reared under conditions of life not so uniform as, and different from,

those to which the parent species was exposed in a state of nature.

Among what are usually reckoned the more active causes of variation may

be named climate, food, and habit. Animals in a cold climate are

provided with a thicker covering of hair than in warmer ones. Indeed, it

is said that in some of the tropical provinces of South America, there

are cattle which have an extremely rare and fine fur, in place of the

ordinary pile of hair. The supply of food, whether abundant or scanty,

is one of the most efficient causes of variation known to be within the

control of man. A due consideration of the natural effects of climate

and food is a point worthy the careful attention of the

stock-husbandman. If the breeds employed be well adapted to the

situation, and the capacity of the soil be such as to feed them fully,

profit may be safely anticipated. Animals are to be regarded as machines

for converting herbage into money.

The bestowal of food sufficient, both in amount and quality, to enable

animals to develop all the excellencies inherent in them, and yield all

the profit of which they are capable, is something quite distinct from

undue forcing of pampering. The latter process may produce wonderful

animals to look at, but neither useful nor profitable ones, and there is

danger of thus producing a most undesirable variation, since in animals

the process may be carried far enough to produce barrenness. Instances

are not wanting, particularly among the more recent improved

short-horns, of impotency among the males and of barrenness among the

females; and in some cases where the latter have borne calves, they have

failed to secrete sufficient milk for their nourishment. Impotency in

bulls of various breeds has, in many instances, occurred from too high

feeding, especially when connected with a lack of sufficient exercise. A

working bull, though perhaps not so pleasing to the eye as a fat one, is

a surer stock-getter; and his progeny is more likely to inherit full

health and vigor.

Habit has a decided influence toward producing variations. We find in

domestic animals that use--or the demand created by habit--is met by a

development or change in the organization adapted to the requirement.

For instance, with cows in a state of nature, or where required only to

suckle their young, the supply of milk is barely fitted to the

requirement. If more is desired, and the milk is drawn completely and

regularly, the yield is increased and continued longer. By keeping up

the demand there is induced, in the next generation, a greater

development of the secreting organs, and more milk is given. By

continuing the practice, by furnishing the needful conditions of

suitable food and the like, and by selecting in each generation those

animals showing the greatest tendency toward milk, a breed specially

adapted for the dairy may be established. It is just by this mode that

the Ayrshires have, within the past century, been brought to be what

they are--a breed giving more good milk upon a certain amount of food

than any other.

It is a fact too well established to be controverted, that the first

male produces impressions upon subsequent progeny by other males. To

what extent this principle holds, it is impossible to say. Although the

instances in which it is known to be of a very marked and obvious

character may be comparatively few, yet there is ample reason to

believe that, although in a majority of cases the effect may be less

noticeable, it is not less real; and it therefore demands the special

attention of breeders. The knowledge of this law furnishes a clue to the

cause of many of the disappointments of which practical breeders often

complain, and of many variations otherwise unaccountable, and it

suggests particular caution as to the first male employed in the

coupling of animals--a matter which has often been deemed of little

consequence in regard to cattle, inasmuch as fewer heifers' first calves

are reared, than those are which are borne subsequently.

The phenomenon--or law, as it is sometimes called--of atavism, or

ancestral influence, is one of considerable practical importance, and

well deserves the careful attention of the breeder of farm stock.

Every one is aware that it is by no means unusual for a child to

resemble its grandfather, or grandmother, or even some ancestor still

more remote, more than it does either its own father or mother. The same

occurrence is found among our domestic animals, and oftener in

proportion as the breeds are crossed or mixed up. Among our common stock

of neat cattle, or natives--originating, as they did, from animals

brought from England, Scotland, Denmark, France, and Spain, each

possessing different characteristics of form, color, and use, and bred,

as our common stock has usually been, indiscriminately together, with no

special object in view, with no attempt to obtain any particular type or

form, or to secure adaptation for any particular purpose--frequent

opportunities are afforded of witnessing the results of this law of

hereditary transmission. So common, indeed, is its occurrence, that the

remark is often made, that, however good a cow may be, there is no

telling beforehand what sort of a calf she may have. The fact is

sufficiently obvious, that certain peculiarities often lie dormant for a

generation or two and then reappear in subsequent progeny. Stockmen

often speak of it as "breeding back," or "crying back."

The lesson taught by this law is very plain. It shows the importance of

seeking thorough-bred or well-bred animals; and by these terms are

simply meant such as are descended from a line of ancestors in which for

many generations the desirable forms, qualities, and characteristics

have been uniformly shown. In such a case, even if ancestral influence

does come in play, no material difference appears in the offspring, the

ancestors being all essentially alike. From this standpoint we best

perceive in what consists the money value of a good "pedigree." This is

valuable, in proportion as it shows an animal to be descended, not only

from such as are purely of its own race or breed, but also from such

individuals of that breed as were specially noted for the excellencies

for which that particular breed is esteemed.

Probably the most distinctly marked evidence of ancestral influence

among us, is to be found in the ill-begotten, round-headed calves, not

infrequently dropped by cows of the common mixed kind, which, if killed

early, make very blue veal, and if allowed to grow up, become

exceedingly profitless and unsatisfactory beasts; the heifers being

often barren, the cows poor milkers, the oxen dull, mulish beasts,

yielding flesh of very dark color, of ill flavor and destitute of fat.

The relative influence of the male and female parents upon the

characteristics of progeny has long been a fruitful subject of

discussion among breeders. It is found in experience that progeny

sometimes resembles one parent more than the other--sometimes there is

an apparent blending of the characteristics of both--sometimes a

noticeable dissimilarity to either, though always more or less

resemblance somewhere--and sometimes the impress of one may be seen upon

a portion of the organization of the offspring, and that of the other

parent upon another portion; yet we are not authorized from such

discrepancies to conclude that it is a matter of chance; for all of

nature's operations are conducted in accordance with fixed laws, whether

we be able fully to discover them or not. The same causes always produce

the same results. In this case, not less than in others, there are,

beyond all doubt, certain fixed laws; and the varying results which we

see are easily and sufficiently accounted for by the existence of

conditions or modifying influences not fully open to our observation.

It may be stated, on the whole--as a result of the varied investigations

to which this question has given rise--that the evidence, both from

observation and the testimony of the best practical breeders, goes to

show that each parent usually contributes certain portions of the

organization to the offspring, and that each has a modifying influence

upon the other. Facts also show that the same parent does not always

contribute the same portions, but that the order is at times, and not

rarely, reversed. Where animals are of distinct species or breeds,

transmission is usually found to be in harmony with the principle, that

the male gives mostly the outward form and locomotive system, and the

female chiefly the interior system, constitution and the like. Where

the parents are of the same breed, it appears that the proportions

contributed by each are governed, in a large measure, by the condition

of each in regard to age and vigor, or by virtue of individual potency

or superiority of physical endowment. This potency or power of

transmission, seems to be legitimately connected with high breeding, or

the concentration of fixed qualities, obtained by continued descent for

many generations from such only as possess in the highest degree the

qualities desired.

Practically, the knowledge obtained dictates in a most emphatic manner

that every stock-grower use his utmost endeavor to obtain the services

of the best sires; that is, the best for the ends and purposes in

view--that he depend chiefly on the sire for outward form and

symmetry--and that he select dams best calculated to develop the good

qualities of the male, depending chiefly upon these for freedom, from

internal disease, for hardihood and constitution, and, generally, for

all qualities dependent upon the vital or nutritive system. The neglect

of the qualities of the dam, which is far too common--miserably old and

inferior animals being often employed--cannot be too strongly censured.

With regard to the laws which regulate the sex of the progeny very

little is known. Many and extensive observations have been made, without

reaching any definite conclusion. Nature seems to have provided that the

number of each sex; produced, shall be nearly equal; but by what means

this result is attained, has not as yet been discovered.

It has long been a disputed point, whether the system of breeding

in-and-in, or the opposite one of frequent crossing, has the greater

tendency to improve the character of stock This term, in-and-in, is

often very loosely used and as variously understood. Some confine the

phrase to the coupling of those of exactly the same blood, as brothers

and sisters, while others include in it breeding from parents and

offsprings; and others still employ it to embrace those of a more

distant relationship. For the last, the term breeding-in, or close

breeding, is generally deemed more suitable.

The current opinion is decidedly against the practice of breeding from

any near relatives; it being usually found that degeneracy follows, and

often to a serious degree; but it is not proved that this degeneracy,

although very common and even usual, is yet a necessary consequence.

That ill effects follow, in a majority of cases, is not to be doubted;

but this is easily and sufficiently accounted for upon quite other

grounds. Perhaps, however, the following propositions may be safely

stated: That in general practice, with the grades and mixed animals

common in the country, close-breeding should be scrupulously avoided

as highly detrimental. It is better always to avoid breeding from near

relatives whenever stock-getters of the same breed and of equal merit

can be obtained which are not related. Yet, where this is not possible,

or where there is some desirable and clearly defined purpose in view--as

the fixing and perpetuating of some valuable quality in a particular

animal not common to the breed--and the breeder possesses the knowledge

and skill needful to accomplish his purpose, and the animals are perfect

in health and development, close breeding may be practised with


The practice of crossing, like that of close breeding, has its strong

and its weak side. Judiciously practised, it offers a means of

providing animals for the butcher, often superior to, and more

profitable than, those of any pure breed. It is also admissible as the

foundation of a systematic and well-considered attempt to establish a

new breed. But when crossing is practised injudiciously and

indiscriminately, and especially when so done for the purpose of

procuring breeding animals, it is scarcely less objectionable than

careless in-and-in breeding.

The profitable style of breeding for the great majority of farmers to

adopt, is neither to cross nor to breed from close affinities--except in

rare instances, and for some specific and clearly understood

purpose--but to breed in the line; that is, to select the breed or

race best adapted to fulfil the requirement demanded, whether it be for

the dairy, for labor, or for such combination of these as can be had

without too great a sacrifice of the principal requisite, and then to

procure a pure-bred male of the kind determined upon, and breed him to

the females of the herd; and if these be not such as are calculated to

develop his qualities, endeavor by purchase or exchange to procure such

as will. Let the progeny of these be bred to another pure-bred male of

the same breed, but as distantly related to the first as may be. Let

this plan be faithfully pursued, and, although we cannot, without the

intervention of well-bred females, procure stock purely of the kind

desired, yet in several generations--if proper care be given to the

selection of males, that each one be such as to retain and improve upon

the points gained by his predecessor--the stock, for most practical

purposes, will be as good as if thorough-bred. If this plan were

generally adopted, and a system of letting or exchanging males

established, the cost might be brought within the means of most persons,

and the advantages which would accrue would be almost beyond belief.

A brief summing-up of the foregoing principles may not be inappropriate


The law of similarity teaches us to select animals for breeding which

possess the desired forms and qualities in the greatest perfection and

best combination.

Regard should be had, not only to the more obvious characteristics, but

also to such hereditary traits and tendencies as may be hidden from

cursory observation and demand careful and thorough investigation.

From the hereditary nature of all characteristics, whether good or bad,

we learn the importance of having all desirable qualities thoroughly

inbred; or, in other words, so firmly in each generation that the next

is warrantably certain to present nothing worse--that no ill results

follow from breeding back to some inferior ancestor--that all

undesirable traits or points be, so far as possible, bred-out.

So important is this consideration, that, in practice, it is decidedly

preferable to employ a male of ordinary external appearance--provided

his ancestry be all which is desired--rather than a grade, or

cross-bred animal, although the latter be greatly his superior in

personal beauty.

A knowledge of the law of variation teaches us to avoid, for breeding

purposes, such animals as exhibit variations unfavorable to the purpose

in view; to endeavor to perpetuate every real improvement gained; as

well as to secure, as far as practicable, the conditions necessary to

induce or continue any improvement, such as general treatment, food,

climate, habits, and the like.

Where the parents do not possess the perfections desired, selections for

coupling should be made with critical reference to correcting the faults

or deficiencies of one by corresponding excellencies in the other.

To correct defects, too much must not be attempted at once. Pairing

those very unlike oftener results in loss than gain. Avoid all extremes,

and endeavor by moderate degrees to attain the end desired.

Crossing, between different breeds, for the purpose of obtaining animals

for the shambles, may be advantageously practised to a considerable

extent, but not for the production of breeding animals. As a general

rule, cross-bred males should not be employed for propagation, and

cross-bred females should be served by thorough-bred males.

In ordinary practice, breeding from near relatives is to be scrupulously

avoided. For certain purposes, under certain conditions and

circumstances, and in the hands of a skillful breeder, it may be

practised with advantage--but not otherwise.

In a large majority of cases--other things being equal--we may expect in

progeny the outward form and general structure of the sire, together

with the internal qualities, constitution, and nutritive system of the

dam; each, however, modified by the other.

Particular care should always be taken that the male by which the dam

first becomes pregnant is the best which can be obtained; also, that at

the time of sexual congress both are in vigorous health.

Breeding animals should not be allowed to become fat, but always kept in

thrifty condition; and such as are intended for the butcher should never

be fat but once.

In deciding with what breeds to stock a farm, endeavor to select those

best adapted to its surface, climate, and degree of fertility; also,

with reference to probable demand and proximity to markets.

No expense incurred in procuring choice animals for propagation, no

amount of skill in breeding, can supersede, or compensate for, a lack of

liberal feeding and good treatment. The better the stock, the better

care they deserve.

