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Inflammation Of The Bladder

Categories: Diseases and their Remedies

Inflammation of the bladder generally accompanies inflammation of the

kidneys, though it is sometimes found disconnected and alone. It is

occasionally caused by calculous concretions in the bladder,--which

should be removed,--causing very acute abdominal pain to the animal. She

makes frequent efforts to stale, passing but a few drops of urine at a

time. The pulse is full and rapid; mouth clammy; nose dry; eyes

; appetite lost; moaning, and walking with a staggering gait.

Treatment.--Inject into the bladder one quart of tepid water, and from

one to two ounces of tincture of opium mixed together. Give internally

one of the following powders every hour until relieved; nitrate of

potassa, one ounce; tartrate of antimony, and pulverized digitalis

leaves, each one drachm; mix, and divide into six powders. Mucilaginous

draughts should be freely given.

Rupture of the bladder sometimes occurs, but there are no symptoms by

which it may be known; and, if there were, no service could be rendered

in the way of repairing the injury; the animal must die.

