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Dogs that have been exposed to wet, or that have been put to lie in a

damp or draughty kennel with insufficient food, are not less liable

than their masters to catch a severe cold, which, if not promptly

attended to, may extend downward to the lining membranes of bronchi or

lungs. In such cases there is always symptoms more or less of fever,

with fits of shivering and thirst, accompanied with dullness, a tired

e and loss of appetite. The breath is short, inspirations

painful, and there is a rattling of mucus in chest or throat. The most

prominent symptom, perhaps, is the frequent cough. It is at first dry,

ringing, and evidently painful; in a few days, however, or sooner, it

softens, and there is a discharge of frothy mucus with it, and, in the

latter stages, of pus and ropy mucus.

Treatment--Keep the patient in a comfortable, well-ventilated

apartment, with free access in and out if the weather be dry. Let the

bowels be freely acted upon to begin with, but no weakening discharge

from the bowels must be kept up. After the bowels have been moved we

should commence the exhibition of small doses of tartar emetic with

squills and opium thrice a day. If the cough is very troublesome, give

this mixture: Tincture of squills, 5 drops to 30; paregoric, 10 drops

to 60; tartar emetic, one-sixteenth of a grain to 1 grain; syrup and

water a sufficiency. Thrice daily.

We may give a full dose of opium every night. In mild cases carbonate

of ammonia may be tried; it often does good, the dose being from two

grains to ten in camphor water, or even plain water.

The chronic form of bronchitis will always yield, if the dog is young,

to careful feeding, moderate exercise, and the exhibition of cod-liver

oil with a mild iron tonic. The exercise, however, must be moderate,

and the dog kept from the water. A few drops to a teaspoonful of

paregoric, given at night, will do good, and the bowels should be kept

regular, and a simple laxative pill given now and then.

