The Fox
It has been many a long day since I heard a fox bark, but in my youth
among the Catskills I often heard the sound, especially of a still
moonlight night in midwinter. Perhaps it was more a cry than a bark, not
continuous like the baying of a dog, but uttered at intervals. One feels
that the creature is trying to bark, but has not yet learned the trick
of it. But it is a wild, weird sound. I would get up any night to hear
it again. I used to listen for it when a boy, standing in front of my
father's house. Presently I would hear one away up on the shoulder of
the mountain, and I imagined I could almost see him sitting there in his
furs upon the illuminated surface and looking down in my direction. As I
listened, maybe one would answer him from behind the woods in the
valley, a fitting sound amid the ghostly winter hills.
The red fox was the only species that abounded in this locality. On my
way to school in the morning, after a fresh fall of snow, I would see
at many points where he had crossed the road. Here he had leisurely
passed within rifle-range of the house, evidently reconnoitring the
premises with an eye to the hen-roost. That clear, sharp track,--there
was no mistaking it for the clumsy footprint of a little dog. All his
wildness and agility were photographed in it. Here he had taken fright,
or suddenly recollected an engagement, and in long, graceful leaps,
barely touching the fence, had gone careering up the hill as fleet as
the wind.
The usual gait of the fox, unlike that of the dog, is, at night at
least, a walk. On such occasions he is in quest of game and he goes
through the woods and fields in an alert, stealthy manner, stepping
about a foot at a time, and keeping his eyes and ears open.
The wild, buoyant creature, how beautiful he is! I had often seen his
dead carcass, and at a distance had witnessed the hounds drive him
across the upper fields; but the thrill and excitement of meeting him in
his wild freedom in the woods were unknown to me till, one cold winter
day, drawn thither by the baying of a hound, I stood near the summit of
the mountain, waiting a renewal of the sound, that I might determine the
course of the dog and choose my position,--stimulated by the ambition of
all young Nimrods to bag some notable game. Long I waited, and
patiently, till, chilled and benumbed, I was about to turn back, when,
hearing a slight noise, I looked up and beheld a most superb fox, loping
along with inimitable grace and ease, evidently disturbed, but not
pursued by the hound, and so absorbed in his private meditations that he
failed to see me, though I stood transfixed with amazement and
admiration, not ten yards distant. I took his measure at a glance,--a
large male, with dark legs, and massive tail tipped with white,--a most
magnificent creature; but so astonished and fascinated was I by this
sudden appearance and matchless beauty, that not till I had caught the
last glimpse of him, as he disappeared over a knoll, did I awake to my
duty as a sportsman, and realize what an opportunity to distinguish
myself I had unconsciously let slip. I clutched my gun, half angrily, as
if it was to blame, and went home out of humor with myself and all
fox-kind. But I have since thought better of the experience, and
concluded that I bagged the game after all, the best part of it, and
fleeced Reynard of something more valuable than his fur, without his
This is thoroughly a winter sound,--this voice of the hound upon the
mountain,--and one that is music to many ears. The long trumpet-like
bay, heard for a mile or more,--now faintly back to the deep recesses of
the mountain,--now distinct, but still faint, as the hound comes over
some prominent point and the wind favors,--anon entirely lost in the
gully,--then breaking out again much nearer, and growing more and more
pronounced as the dog approaches, till, when he comes around the brow of
the mountain, directly above you, the barking is loud and sharp. On he
goes along the northern spur, his voice rising and sinking as the wind
and the lay of the ground modify it, till lost to hearing.
The fox usually keeps half a mile ahead, regulating his speed by that of
the hound, occasionally pausing a moment to divert himself with a mouse,
or to contemplate the landscape, or to listen for his pursuer. If the
hound press him too closely, he leads off from mountain to mountain, and
so generally escapes the hunter; but if the pursuit be slow, he plays
about some ridge or peak, and falls a prey, though not an easy one, to
the experienced sportsman.
A most spirited and exciting chase occurs when the farm-dog gets close
upon one in the open field, as sometimes happens in the early morning.
The fox relies so confidently upon his superior speed, that I imagine
he half tempts the dog to the race. But if the dog be a smart one, and
their course lies down hill, over smooth ground, Reynard must put his
best foot forward, and then sometimes suffer the ignominy of being run
over by his pursuer, who, however, is quite unable to pick him up, owing
to the speed. But when they mount the hill, or enter the woods, the
superior nimbleness and agility of the fox tell at once, and he easily
leaves the dog far in his rear. For a cur less than his own size he
manifests little fear, especially if the two meet alone, remote from the
house. In such cases, I have seen first one turn tail, then the other.
One of the most notable features of the fox is his large and massive
tail. Seen running on the snow at a distance, his tail is quite as
conspicuous as his body; and, so far from appearing a burden, seems to
contribute to his lightness and buoyancy. It softens the outline of his
movements, and repeats or continues to the eye the ease and poise of his
carriage. But, pursued by the hound on a wet, thawy day, it often
becomes so heavy and bedraggled as to prove a serious inconvenience, and
compels him to take refuge in his den. He is very loath to do this; both
his pride and the traditions of his race stimulate him to run it out,
and win by fair superiority of wind and speed; and only a wound or a
heavy and moppish tail will drive him to avoid the issue in this manner.
To learn his surpassing shrewdness and cunning, attempt to take him with
a trap. Rogue that he is, he always suspects some trick, and one must be
more of a fox than he is himself to overreach him. At first sight it
would appear easy enough. With apparent indifference he crosses your
path, or walks in your footsteps in the field, or travels along the
beaten highway, or lingers in the vicinity of stacks and remote barns.
Carry the carcass of a pig, or a fowl, or a dog, to a distant field in
midwinter, and in a few nights his tracks cover the snow about it.
The inexperienced country youth, misled by this seeming carelessness of
Reynard, suddenly conceives a project to enrich himself with fur, and
wonders that the idea has not occurred to him before, and to others. I
knew a youthful yeoman of this kind, who imagined he had found a mine of
wealth on discovering on a remote side-hill, between two woods, a dead
porker, upon which it appeared all the foxes of the neighborhood did
nightly banquet. The clouds were burdened with snow; and as the first
flakes commenced to eddy down, he set out, trap and broom in hand,
already counting over in imagination the silver quarters he would
receive for his first fox-skin. With the utmost care, and with a
palpitating heart, he removed enough of the trodden snow to allow the
trap to sink below the surface. Then, carefully sifting the light
element over it and sweeping his tracks full, he quickly withdrew,
laughing exultingly over the little surprise he had prepared for the
cunning rogue. The elements conspired to aid him, and the falling snow
rapidly obliterated all vestiges of his work. The next morning at dawn
he was on his way to bring in his fur. The snow had done its work
effectually, and, he believed, had kept his secret well. Arrived in
sight of the locality, he strained his vision to make out his prize
lodged against the fence at the foot of the hill. Approaching nearer,
the surface was unbroken, and doubt usurped the place of certainty in
his mind. A slight mound marked the site of the porker, but there was no
footprint near it. Looking up the hill, he saw where Reynard had walked
leisurely down toward his wonted bacon till within a few yards of it,
when he had wheeled, and with prodigious strides disappeared in the
woods. The young trapper saw at a glance what a comment this was upon
his skill in the art, and, indignantly exhuming the iron, he walked home
with it, the stream of silver quarters suddenly setting in another
The successful trapper commences in the fall, or before the first deep
snow. In a field not too remote, with an old axe he cuts a small place,
say ten inches by fourteen, in the frozen ground, and removes the earth
to the depth of three or four inches, then fills the cavity with dry
ashes, in which are placed bits of roasted cheese. Reynard is very
suspicious at first, and gives the place a wide berth. It looks like
design, and he will see how the thing behaves before he approaches too
near. But the cheese is savory and the cold severe. He ventures a little
closer every night, until he can reach and pick a piece from the
surface. Emboldened by success, like other mortals, he presently digs
freely among the ashes, and, finding a fresh supply of the delectable
morsels every night, is soon thrown off his guard and his suspicions
quite lulled. After a week of baiting in this manner, and on the eve of
a light fall of snow, the trapper carefully conceals his trap in the
bed, first smoking it thoroughly with hemlock boughs to kill or
neutralize all smell of the iron. If the weather favors and the proper
precautions have been taken, he may succeed, though the chances are
still greatly against him.
Reynard is usually caught very lightly, seldom more than the ends of his
toes being between the jaws. He sometimes works so cautiously as to
spring the trap without injury even to his toes, or may remove the
cheese night after night without even springing it. I knew an old
trapper who, on finding himself outwitted in this manner, tied a bit of
cheese to the pan, and next morning had poor Reynard by the jaw. The
trap is not fastened, but only incumbered with a clog, and is all the
more sure in its hold by yielding to every effort of the animal to
extricate himself.
When Reynard sees his captor approaching, he would fain drop into a
mouse-hole to render himself invisible. He crouches to the ground and
remains perfectly motionless until he perceives himself discovered, when
he makes one desperate and final effort to escape, but ceases all
struggling as you come up, and behaves in a manner that stamps him a
very timid warrior,--cowering to the earth with a mingled look of shame,
guilt, and humiliation. A young farmer told me of tracing one with his
trap to the border of a wood, where he discovered the cunning rogue
trying to hide by embracing a small tree. Most animals, when taken in a
trap, show fight; but Reynard has more faith in the nimbleness of his
feet than in the terror of his teeth.
I once spent a summer month in a mountainous district in the State of
New York, where, from its earliest settlement, the red fox has been the
standing prize for skill in the use of the trap and gun. At the house
where I was stopping were two foxhounds, and a neighbor half a mile
distant had a third. There were many others in the township, and in
season they were well employed, too; but the three spoken of, attended
by their owners, held high carnival on the mountains in the immediate
vicinity. And many were the foxes that, winter after winter, fell before
them, twenty-five having been shot, the season before my visit, on one
small range alone. And yet the foxes were apparently never more abundant
than they were that summer, and never bolder, coming at night within a
few rods of the house and of the unchained alert hounds, and making
havoc among the poultry.
One morning a large, fat goose was found minus her head and otherwise
mangled. Both hounds had disappeared, and, as they did not come back
till near night, it was inferred that they had cut short Reynard's
repast, and given him a good chase into the bargain. But next night he
was back again, and this time got safely off with the goose. A couple of
nights after he must have come with recruits, for next morning three
large goslings were reported missing. The silly geese now got it
through their noddles that there was danger about, and every night
thereafter came close up to the house to roost.
A brood of turkeys, the old one tied to a tree a few rods to the rear of
the house, were the next objects of attack. The predaceous rascal came,
as usual, in the latter half of the night. I happened to be awake, and
heard the helpless turkey cry "Quit, quit," with great emphasis. Another
sleeper, on the floor above me, who, it seems, had been sleeping with
one ear awake for several nights in apprehension for the safety of his
turkeys, heard the sound also, and instantly divined its cause. I heard
the window open and a voice summon the dogs. A loud bellow was the
response, which caused Reynard to take himself off in a hurry. A moment
more, and the mother turkey would have shared the fate of the geese.
There she lay at the end of her tether, with extended wings, bitten and
rumpled. The young ones roosted in a row on the fence near by, and had
taken flight on the first alarm.
Turkeys, retaining many of their wild instincts, are less easily
captured by the fox than any other of our domestic fowls. On the
slightest show of danger they take to wing, and it is not unusual, in
the locality of which I speak, to find them in the morning perched in
the most unwonted places, as on the peak of the barn or hay-shed, or on
the tops of the apple-trees, their tails spread and their manners
showing much excitement. Perchance one turkey is minus her tail, the fox
having succeeded in getting only a mouthful of quills.
As the brood grows and their wings develop, they wander far from the
house in quest of grasshoppers. At such times they are all watchfulness
and suspicion. Crossing the fields one day, attended by a dog that much
resembled a fox, I came suddenly upon a brood about one third grown,
which were feeding in a pasture just beyond a wood. It so happened that
they caught sight of the dog without seeing me, when instantly, with the
celerity of wild game, they launched into the air, and, while the old
one perched upon a treetop, as if to keep an eye on the supposed enemy,
the young went sailing over the trees toward home.
The two hounds before referred to, accompanied by a cur-dog, whose
business it was to mind the farm, but who took as much delight in
running away from prosy duty as if he had been a schoolboy, would
frequently steal off and have a good hunt all by themselves, just for
the fun of the thing, I suppose. I more than half suspect that it was as
a kind of taunt or retaliation that Reynard came and took the geese
from under their very noses. One morning they went off and stayed till
the afternoon of the next day; they ran the fox all day and all night,
the hounds baying at every jump, the cur-dog silent and tenacious. When
the trio returned they came dragging themselves along, stiff, foot-sore,
gaunt, and hungry. For a day or two afterward they lay about the
kennels, seeming to dread nothing so much as the having to move. The
stolen hunt was their "spree," and of course they must take time to get
over it.
Some old hunters think the fox enjoys the chase as much as the hound,
especially when the latter runs slowly, as the best hounds do. The fox
will wait for the hound, will sit down and listen, or play about,
crossing and recrossing and doubling upon his track, as if enjoying a
mischievous consciousness of the perplexity he would presently cause his
pursuer. It is evident, however, that the fox does not always have his
share of the fun: before a swift dog, or in a deep snow, or on a wet day
when his tail gets heavy, he must put his best foot forward. As a last
resort he "holes up." Sometimes he resorts to numerous devices to
mislead and escape the dog altogether. He will walk in the bed of a
small creek, or on a rail-fence. I heard of an instance of a fox, hard
and long pressed, that took to a rail-fence, and, after walking some
distance, made a leap to one side to a hollow stump, in the cavity of
which he snugly stowed himself. The ruse succeeded, and the dogs lost
the trail; but the hunter, coming up, passed by chance near the stump,
when out bounded the fox, his cunning availing him less than he
deserved. On another occasion the fox took to the public road, and
stepped with great care and precision into a sleigh-track. The hard,
polished snow took no imprint of the light foot, and the scent was no
doubt less than it would have been on a rougher surface. Maybe, also,
the rogue had considered the chances of another sleigh coming along,
before the hound, and obliterating the trail entirely.
Audubon tells of a fox, which, when started by the hounds, always
managed to elude them at a certain point. Finally the hunter concealed
himself in the locality, to discover, if possible, the trick. Presently
along came the fox, and, making a leap to one side, ran up the trunk of
a fallen tree which had lodged some feet from the ground, and concealed
himself in the top. In a few minutes the hounds came up, and in their
eagerness passed some distance beyond the point, and then went still
farther, looking for the lost trail. Then the fox hastened down, and,
taking his back-track, fooled the dogs completely.
I was told of a silver-gray fox in northern New York, which, when
pursued by the hounds, would run till it had hunted up another fox, or
the fresh trail of one, when it would so manoeuvre that the hound would
invariably be switched off on the second track.
In cold, dry weather the fox will sometimes elude the hound, at least
delay him much, by taking to a bare, ploughed field. The hard, dry earth
seems not to retain a particle of the scent, and the hound gives a loud,
long, peculiar bark, to signify he has trouble. It is now his turn to
show his wit, which he often does by passing completely around the
field, and resuming the trail again where it crosses the fence or a
strip of snow.
The fact that any dry, hard surface is unfavorable to the hound
suggests, in a measure, the explanation of the wonderful faculty that
all dogs in a degree possess of tracking an animal by the scent of the
foot alone. Did you ever think why a dog's nose is always wet? Examine
the nose of a fox-hound, for instance; how very moist and sensitive!
Cause this moisture to dry up, and the dog would be as powerless to
track an animal as you are! The nose of the cat, you may observe, is
but a little moist, and, as you know, her sense of smell is far inferior
to that of the dog. Moisten your own nostrils and lips, and this sense
is plainly sharpened. The sweat of a dog's nose, therefore, is no doubt
a vital element in its power, and, without taking a very long logical
stride, we may infer how a damp, rough surface aids him in tracking
A still hunt rarely brings you in sight of a fox, as his ears are much
sharper than yours, and his tread much lighter. But if the fox is
mousing in the fields, and you discover him before he does you, you may,
the wind favoring, call him within a few paces of you. Secrete yourself
behind the fence, or some other object, and squeak as nearly like a
mouse as possible. Reynard will hear the sound at an incredible
distance. Pricking up his ears, he gets the direction, and comes
trotting along as unsuspiciously as can be. I have never had an
opportunity to try the experiment, but I know perfectly reliable persons
who have. One man, in the pasture getting his cows, called a fox which
was too busy mousing to get the first sight, till it jumped upon the
wall just over where he sat secreted. He then sprang up, giving a loud
whoop at the same time, and the fox, I suspect, came as near being
frightened out of his skin as a fox ever was.
I have never been able to see clearly why the mother fox generally
selects a burrow or hole in the open field in which to have her young,
except it be, as some hunters maintain, for better security. The young
foxes are wont to come out on a warm day, and play like puppies in front
of the den. The view being unobstructed on all sides by trees or bushes,
in the cover of which danger might approach, they are less liable to
surprise and capture. On the slightest sound they disappear in the hole.
Those who have watched the gambols of the young foxes speak of them as
very amusing, even more arch and playful than those of kittens, while a
spirit profoundly wise and cunning seems to look out of their young
eyes. The parent fox can never be caught in the den with them, but is
hovering near the woods, which are always at hand, and by her warning
cry or bark telling them when to be on their guard. She usually has at
least three dens, at no great distance apart, and moves stealthily in
the night with her charge from one to the other, so as to mislead her
enemies. Many a party of boys, and of men, too, discovering the
whereabouts of a litter, have gone with shovels and picks, and, after
digging away vigorously for several hours, have found only an empty hole
for their pains. The old fox, finding her secret had been found out,
had waited for darkness, in the cover of which to transfer her household
to new quarters; or else some old fox-hunter, jealous of the
preservation of his game, and getting word of the intended destruction
of the litter, had gone at dusk the night before, and made some
disturbance about the den, perhaps flashed some powder in its mouth,--a
hint which the shrewd animal knew how to interpret.
The fox nearly always takes his nap during the day in the open fields,
along the sides of the ridges, or under the mountain, where he can look
down upon the busy farms beneath and hear their many sounds, the barking
of dogs, the lowing of cattle, the cackling of hens, the voices of men
and boys, or the sound of travel upon the highway. It is on that side,
too, that he keeps the sharpest lookout, and the appearance of the
hunter above and behind him is always a surprise.
Foxes, unlike wolves, never go in packs or companies, but hunt singly.
Many of the ways and manners of the fox, when tamed, are like the dog's.
I once saw a young red fox exposed for sale in the market in Washington.
A colored man had him, and said he had caught him out in Virginia. He
led him by a small chain, as he would a puppy, and the innocent young
rascal would lie on his side and bask and sleep in the sunshine, amid
all the noise and chaffering around him, precisely like a dog. He was
about the size of a full-grown cat, and there was a bewitching beauty
about him that I could hardly resist. On another occasion, I saw a gray
fox, about two thirds grown, playing with a dog, about the same size,
and by nothing in the manners of either could you tell which was the dog
and which was the fox.