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Some Of Our Benefactors And Their Inventions

Bee keeping as a source of revenue dates far back in ancient

history. With the advent of the movable frame hive and the

increased demand for honey all over the world as a source of food

supply, it received a new impetus and there are many bee keepers in

this and other countries who are not only making an honest living

in the pursuit, but have become wealthy as well.

Over half a century ago, Rev. L. L. Lan
stroth invented the movable

frame hive and became the benefactor of the bee-keeping fraternity.

Prior to this time there was no way of telling the condition of a

bee except what could be learned from an external diagnosis. If

from their actions we were led to believe the colony was diseased,

or that the bee moth was holding sway, there was no way by which we

could remedy the evil. But this invention gives us access at all

times to the brood chamber and we are able to see just what is

wrong and apply the proper remedy. Perhaps it is fair to add that

all bee keepers do not agree that the movable frame was invented by

Father Langstroth. This honor is conceded by many to belong to

Huber or Dzierzon, German bee keepers. Be this as it may, the

movable frame hive of today, used throughout America and many

foreign countries, is the product of the inventive genius of this

great benefactor of the bee-keeping fraternity.

The invention of many accessories since the death of Father

Langstroth, many years ago, would almost make us believe that there

is nothing further to be desired, that perfection has been reached.

But well we know that perfection cannot be reached on this earth,

and so we will look forward, knowing as time goes on that other

great minds will add to the store of knowledge now possessed by the

bee keeper, and bee keeping of the future will be as far in advance

of the present as the present is of the past.

With the help of appliances and the instruction given by able

writers in many magazines and bee papers anyone with a fair amount

of ability should be able to make a success at this vocation. There

are many men who, while they have proved to be benefactors to us,

have at the same time become wealthy. There are many instances of

this, but I will mention The A. I. Root Co., of Medina, O. A. I.

Root, the senior member of this firm, was an apiarist of note while

I was still a little boy. After a while he began the manufacture of

hives and appliances. He invented the pound section box, the

extractor and many other accessories that could not be dispensed

with at the present day. Many of his inventions were never

patented, thus saving that cost to those whom he wished to

befriend, and by honest dealing, selling the best of everything

needed by the apiarist at the lowest possible cost consistent

with superior workmanship, he has today, the most extensive

manufacturing establishment in America, and possibly the world. In

connection, the firm publishes, "Gleanings in Bee Culture," a

monthly magazine, devoted to the interest of bee keeping. The

ablest writers, men who have made this their life work, contribute

regularly and give us advice which, if followed will lead to


Therefore, when the bee history is completed, and the names of many

who have been our benefactors are recorded, the names of L. L.

Langstroth and A. I. Root will shine with lustre.

