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All Bee Hunting
An Old Bee Hunter
The bee hunters in my early days used one of two methods in hunting the bee. The hunter would select a clear day, generally during buckwheat bloom, and after determining on a course, sun them to the tree. This was done by placing the hat or hand bet...
Baits And Scents
In rambling through the woods and over the mountains I have seen bee hunters using bait with the oil of anise in it, or perhaps a bait containing several different scents. They did not seem to know, nor care, that bait containing these oils was inju...
Beekeeping For Profit
It is not generally known that beekeeping is quite an industry in the United States and that this country maintains a lead over all other lands both as to the quantity and quality of the honey it produces. This is the case, however, and America is r...
Bees Watering How To Find Them
As soon as the bees begin to stir in the spring they go searching around for water, for this is one essential element in brood-rearing. Early in the season the ground is generally so full of water that bees are not confined to any certain place in o...
Customs And Ownership Of Wild Bees
There are customs in vogue among sportsmen that have been handed down from generation to generation, that have almost become laws. Indeed, we have heard it said that custom becomes law. A hunter may wound a deer, follow it for a distance and find ...
Cutting The Tree And Transferring
I hope those who read this book may find something in its pages that will be beneficial. In your excursions through the forests you are unconsciously getting the benefit of the greatest source in the world of physical perfection--God's pure air--and...
Early Spring Hunting
Bees are very fond of salt in the early spring, and, in fact, in all parts of the season when brood rearing is in progress. Now we will start out some fine spring morning, take a hatchet or an ax and a polk of salt, and we will go up on the side of ...
Fall Hunting
The main sources of the honey supply are now over, and if the methods given in the preceding chapters are followed it is necessary for us to get out on the mountains or fields far distant from home apiaries and look for the few flowers that have esc...
Hunting Bees From Buckwheat
During buckwheat bloom, which occurs in the month of August and early part of September, many bees are found. Some hunters line them to the tree by sunning. This method requires a very clear day and unless the hunter thoroughly understands this art,...
Hunting Bees From Sumac
Sumac begins to bloom about the first of July and continues through the month. It is unquestionably the greatest source of honey in the country in which I live. From the time the dew is off until dusk the bee is busy on it. Every old worn-out field ...
Some Facts About Line Of Flight
You have all heard the term "bee line" used, and naturally infer that it means a straight line. This was what I believed it to be in my earlier days, but from numerous observations I am led to believe that the terms "bee line" and "straight line" ar...
Some Of Our Benefactors And Their Inventions
Bee keeping as a source of revenue dates far back in ancient history. With the advent of the movable frame hive and the increased demand for honey all over the world as a source of food supply, it received a new impetus and there are many bee keeper...
The Latest Improved Method Of Burning
We now come to the time of the year when all flowers, by the laws of nature, cease to bloom. Indian summer is here with its nice balmy days. Just right--not too warm not yet too cool. The very time when even those of us who are getting up in years b...
Most Viewed
Hunting Bees From Buckwheat
Cutting The Tree And Transferring
Some Facts About Line Of Flight
Hunting Bees From Sumac
Beekeeping For Profit
An Old Bee Hunter
Early Spring Hunting
The Latest Improved Method Of Burning
Least Viewed
Customs And Ownership Of Wild Bees
Some Of Our Benefactors And Their Inventions
Fall Hunting
Bees Watering How To Find Them
Baits And Scents
The Latest Improved Method Of Burning
Early Spring Hunting
An Old Bee Hunter