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Coarse Fish
Compared to what is known about the early part of the life history of the _Salmonidae_, our knowledge of coarse fish is small. Fortunately, however, such lengthy and complicated proceedings as are necessary to obtain a good stock of trout are not ...
Fish culture of a certain kind dates from very early times, but its scientific development has only come about quite recently. Most people know that in our own country the monks had stew ponds, where they kept fish, principally carp, and also that...
Salmon And Sea-trout
In many ways nature is apparently very wasteful, and in nothing is this more marked than in the case of the salmon. Probably not more than one egg in a thousand produces a fish which reaches the smolt stage, and a still smaller proportion grows to...
Stocking Waters With Food
It may seem somewhat superfluous to say that fish cannot live in any water unless that water contains the food supply necessary for them to thrive upon, and yet this is the point most often overlooked in stocking waters with fish. Small attempts a...
Suitable Fish And Suitable Waters
Having stocked his water with suitable vegetation and food, the next matter which should engage the attention of the amateur, is what fish he had better introduce. He should, where there is a fair chance of success, introduce a trout of some sort,...
The Rearing Of The Rainbow Trout American Brook Trout And Char
As the methods used in hatching out the ova and rearing the young fish are very similar in the case of different species of trout to those I have already described in dealing with the common trout (_Salmo fario_), I will confine myself to pointing...
Trout Management Feeding And Turning Out Of Yearlings
As I pointed out to my readers in Chapter VIII., the young trout have after August passed the critical period of their existence, and may be considered safe and hardy. Naturally, as they get older, they require more food, but this need not be give...
Trout Management Of The Fry
A greatly varying period of time having elapsed and the yolk-sacs of the alevins being nearly absorbed, the fish culturist will see that some of the little fish begin to leave the pack at the bottom of the tray, and to swim up against the current....
Trout Management Of The Ova And Alevins
Everything should now be ready for the reception of the ova. The rearing boxes are resting upon stones placed at the bottom of the ponds, with the edges some six inches above the level of the water, and moored to the sides to prevent their being m...
Trout Preliminary Hints And Advice
The amateur who is beginning trout culture had better by all means buy eyed ova from a fish cultural establishment. There are many of these in the British Isles, and nowadays eyed ova are packed and sent safely all over the country. The artificial...
Trout Rearing Ponds Boxes And Hatching Trays
Having decided upon a suitable spot, the amateur must now proceed to make his ponds. Whether he derive his water supply from a spring or from a stream, the amateur had better bring it into his ponds through a pipe. A three-inch pipe will be large ...
Trout The Friends And Enemies Of The Fish Culturist
The creatures which are sometimes found in and around rearing ponds containing ova or young fish are very numerous, and it is advisable that the fish culturist should have some knowledge of them. It is for this reason, that while I cautioned my re...
Most Viewed
Suitable Fish And Suitable Waters
Coarse Fish
Trout Management Of The Ova And Alevins
Trout Management Of The Fry
Trout The Friends And Enemies Of The Fish Culturist
Trout Rearing Ponds Boxes And Hatching Trays
Trout Preliminary Hints And Advice
Least Viewed
The Rearing Of The Rainbow Trout American Brook Trout And Char
Stocking Waters With Food
Trout Management Feeding And Turning Out Of Yearlings
Salmon And Sea-trout
Trout Preliminary Hints And Advice
Trout Rearing Ponds Boxes And Hatching Trays
Trout The Friends And Enemies Of The Fish Culturist
Trout Management Of The Fry