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Stocks More Liable To Be Destroyed Last Of Summer

Categories: ENEMIES OF BEES.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

But in July and August it is different in this respect; a single moth

may enter the hive when exposed, and deposit her whole burden of

several hundred eggs, as in the other case, but the heat from the bees

is now unnecessary to hatch them. The weather at this season will make

any part of the hive warm enough to set her whole brood at work at

once, and in three weeks all may be destroyed! This, and the fact that

more moths exist now than before, may account for the greater number of

stocks being destroyed at this season. Yet it is considered extremely

bad management to allow honey or combs to be devoured by this

disgusting creature. A little care to know the condition of the stocks

_is necessary_ to prevent their getting the start. These duties should

be fully considered before we take the responsibility of the care of


