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The best black, undoubtedly, are those bred from tortoiseshell mothers

or females. The black is generally more dense, and less liable to show

any signs of spots, bands, or bars, when the animal is in the sun or a

bright light; when this is so, it is fatal to a black as regards its

chance of a prize, or even notice, and it comes under the denomination

of a black tabby.

If a black and a white cat are mated,
let the black be the male, blacks

having more stamina, the issue will probably be either white or black;

and also when you wish the black to be perpetuated, the black male must

be younger. In 1884, a black female cat was exhibited with five white

kittens. I have just seen a beautiful black Persian whose mother was a

clear white; this, and the foregoing example, prove either colour

represents the same for the purpose of breeding to colour.

For breeding black with white, take care that the white is the

gray-white, and not the yellow-white; the first generally has orange or

yellow eyes, and this is one of the required qualities in the black cat.

If a yellow-white with blue eyes, this type of eye would be detrimental,

and most likely the eyes of the offspring would have a green stain, or

possibly be of odd colours.

It should be borne in mind, that black kittens are seldom or ever so

rich in colour when newly born, as they afterwards become; therefore, if

without spots or bars, and of a deep self brown-black, they will in all

possibility be fine in colour when they gain their adult coat. This the

experienced fancier well knows, though the tyro often destroys that

which will ultimately prove of value, simply from ignorance. An instance

of the brown-black kitten is before me as I write, in a beautiful

Persian, which is now changing from the dull kitten self brown-black on

to a brilliant glossy, jetty beauty.

