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Not Disposed To Sting

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

They seldom offer to sting during this part of the operation, even when

the box is taken off without tobacco smoke, and carried away from the

hive; after a little time, the bees finding themselves away from home,

lose all animosity.

As honey becomes scarce, less brood is reared; a great many cells that

they occupied are soon empty; also, several cells that contained honey

have been drained, and used to mature the portion of brood just started

at the time of the failure. We can now understand, or think we do, why

our best stocks that are very heavy, that but a few days before were

crowded for room and storing in boxes, are now eager for honey to store

in the hive; as there is abundant room for several pounds. They will

quickly remove to the hive the contents of any box left exposed; or

even risk their lives by entering a neighboring hive for it; after

being allowed to make a beginning, under such circumstances.

