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Necessity Of Care

Categories: LOSS OF QUEENS.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

As this tumult cannot be seen but a few days at most, it is well--yes,

it is necessary--to make it a duty to glance at the hives at this

period after swarming, _every morning_; a glance is sufficient to tell

you of the fact. Remember to reckon from the date of the first issue;

this occurs when the first royal cells are sealed over, and is the best

criterion as to when the queen will leave. If the first swarm issue and

eturn, it can make no difference; reckon from their first issuing.


When you discover a loss, first ascertain if there is any after swarm

to be expected from another stock, (by listening for the piping); if

so, wait till it issues, and obtain a queen from that for your stock;

even if there is but one, take it, and let the bees return; they would

be likely to come out again the next day; if not, it is very often no

great loss.

Should no such swarm be indicated, go to a stock that has cast a first

swarm within a week; smoke it and turn it over, as before directed,

find a royal cell, and with a broad knife cut it out, being careful not

to injure it. This must now be secured in the other hive in its natural

position, the lower end free from any obstacle, that would interfere

with the queen leaving it. It will make but little difference whether

at the top or bottom, providing it is secure from falling.

I generally introduce it through a hole in the top, taking care to find

one that will allow the cell to pass down between two combs. It being

largest at the upper end, the combs each side will sustain it, and

leave the lower end free. In a few hours the bees will secure it

permanently to the combs with wax. This operation cannot be performed

in a chamber hive, as it is impossible to see the arrangement of the

combs through the holes. To put it in at the bottom is some more

trouble; the difficulty is, to fasten it, and prevent it resting on the

end. I have done it as follows: Get an _old_ thick piece of dry comb

some three inches square; cut out an inch of the middle. At right

angles with this, in one edge in the centre, make another to intersect

it, just the size of the cell, and have the lower end reach into the

opening. This comb will keep it in the right position, and may rest on

the floor-board. It can now be put in the hive, cutting out a piece of

comb to make room for it if necessary.

Soon after such cell is introduced, the bees are quiet. In a few days

it hatches, and they have a queen as perfect as if it had been one of

their own rearing. This queen of course will be necessitated to leave

the hive, and will be just as liable to be lost, but no more so than

others, and must be watched the same. It is unnecessary to look for a

cell in a stock that has cast its first swarm more than a week before,

as they are generally destroyed by that time, (sometimes short of it,)

unless they intend to send out an after swarm.

