When To Examine Stocks That Have Swarmed
Bee Keeping:
Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained
Three weeks from the first swarm, will be the time to examine them. I
make it a rule to inspect all my stocks at this period. It is easily
done now, as about all the healthy brood (except drones) should be
matured in that time. By perseverance in these rules, I allow no stocks
to dwindle away until they are plundered by others. If all my neighbors
were equally careful, this disease would probably soon disappear. This
is like one careless farmer allowing a noxious weed to mature seeds, to
be wafted by winds on the lands of a careful neighbor, who must fortify
his mind to continual vigilance, or endure the injury of a foul pest.
So with the successful apiarian; in sections where the disease has
appeared (it has not in all), he must be continually on the watch; it
is the price of success.