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Categories: Diseases and their Remedies

This disease--known also as catarrh--is occasionally the sequence of

coryza, but more frequently it arises from an impure atmosphere;

consequently, in cow-houses where animals are crowded together in

numbers, it is most frequently found. Scanty provender, and of an

inferior quality, is among the exciting causes of hoose, producing, as

it does, a debilitated state of the system, which, upon exposure of the

animal to col
, or wet, hastens the disorder. Some breeds of cattle are

peculiarly liable to this disease, which, if not arrested in its early

stage, runs on, involving the lungs, and frequently terminating in

consumption. Of all our domestic animals, neat cattle are most subject

to pulmonary diseases. This is attributable to the neglect and exposure

which are far too often their lot. Butchers will testify that a large

portion of all cattle slaughtered have abscesses and other diseases of

the lungs.

Symptoms.--Loss of appetite; muzzle dry; coat rough, or staring;

respiration quickened; horns hot; ears, nose, and legs cold; husky

cough; pulse from sixty to seventy, small and thready; bowels frequently


Treatment.--Give one ounce of the following powders every six hours,

until the bowels are opened: Barbadoes aloes, one and half ounces;

nitrate of potassa, half an ounce; ginger, six drachms; mix and divide

into six powders. Setons in the dewlap are often of great benefit.

