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Inflammation Of The Liver

Categories: Diseases and their Remedies

Diseases of the liver are of very common occurrence,--a fact with which

all beef-butchers are familiar. Perhaps no organ in the animal economy

is so liable to disease. The obscurity of the symptoms and the good

condition of the animal prevent its discovery, as a general thing,

during its lifetime. When, however, the disease assumes an active

form,--known as the yellows, jaundice, or inflammation of the

liver,--the symp
oms are more readily detected.

Symptoms.--A yellowish color of the eye will be observed; skin, urine,

etc., highly colored; soreness, on pressure, on the right side; loss of

appetite; dullness; constipation of the bowels, etc.

Treatment.--Calomel is the most reliable medicine known to

practitioners for diseases of the liver. Its abuse, however, has brought

it into disrepute. Yet, as with ordinary care it may be advantageously

used, we will prescribe it as that upon which the most dependence is to

be placed, and in doing so, will endeavor to have it used safely.

Bleeding has been recommended: but the author has never found any

benefit resulting. Give Epsom-salts, in doses of four ounces each, every

night, with one scruple of calomel, until the animal is relieved.

Mustard and water should be frequently applied to the right side, and

well rubbed in.

