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Obtaining A Queen From Worker Brood

Categories: LOSS OF QUEENS.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

There is yet another method to be adopted, and that is, to obtain a

piece of brood-comb containing workers' eggs, or larvae very young. You

will generally find it without much trouble, in a young swarm that is

making combs; the lower ends usually contain eggs; take a piece from

one of the middle sheets, two or three inches long, (you will probably

use smoke by this time without telling). Invert the hive that is to

receive it, put the piece edgewise between the combs, if you can spread

them apart enough for the purpose; they will hold it there, and then

there will be ample room to make the cells. They will nearly always

rear several queens. I have counted nine several times, which were all

they had room for. But yet I have very little confidence in such

queens, they are almost certain to be lost.

