Their Industry
Bee Keeping:
Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained
Industry belongs to their nature. When the flowers yield honey, and the
weather is fine, they need no impulse from man to perform their part.
When their tenement is supplied with all things necessary to reach
another spring, or their store-house full, and no necessity or room for
an addition, and we supply them with more space, they assiduously toil
to fill it up. Rather than to waste time in idleness, during a
s yield of honey, they have been known to deposit their surplus
in combs outside the hive, or under the stand. This natural industrious
habit lies at the foundation of all the advantages in bee-keeping;
consequently our hives must be constructed with this end in view; and
at the same time not interfere with other points of their nature; but
this subject will be discussed in the next chapter. Those peculiar
traits in their nature, mentioned in this, will be more fully discussed
in different parts of this work, as they appear to be called for, and
where proof will be offered to sustain the positions here assumed,
which as yet are nothing more than mere assertions.