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Time Of Putting On Rule

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

It is probable a great many readers will need the necessary observation

to tell precisely when the hive is full of honey; it may be full of

bees, and not of honey. And yet the only rule that I can give to be

generally applied, is, when the bees begin to be crowded out, but a day

or two before would be just the right time, that is, when they are

obtaining honey--(for it should be remembered that they do not always

get h
ney when beginning to cluster out). This guide will do in place

of a better one, which close observation and experience only can give.

By observing a glass hive attentively, in those cells that touch the

glass on the edge of the combs, whenever honey is being deposited here

abundantly, it is quite evident that the flowers are yielding it just

then, and other stocks are obtaining it also. Now is the time, if any

cluster out, to put on the boxes. When boxes are made as I have

recommended, that is, the size containing 360 solid inches, it is

advisable to put on only one at first; when this is full either of bees

or honey, and yet bees are crowded outside, the other can be added.

This is before swarming; too much room might retard the swarming a few

days, but if crowded outside, it indicates want of room, and the boxes

can make but little difference. It is better to have one box well

filled than two half full, which might be the case if the bees were not

numerous. The object of putting on boxes before swarming, is to employ

a portion of the bees, that otherwise would remain idly clustering

outside two or three weeks, as they often do, while preparing the young

queens for swarming. But when all the bees can be profitably engaged in

the body of the hive, more room is unnecessary.

