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Uniting Comb And Honey As Well As Bees

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

The process of uniting them is simple. Smoke both the stocks or swarms

thoroughly, and turn them over. Choose the one with the straightest

combs, or the one nearest full, to receive the contents of the other;

trim off the points of the combs to make them square across, and this

one is ready; remove the sticks from the other, and with your tools

take out the combs with the bees on as before directed, one at a time,

arefully set them on the edges of the other; if the shape will

admit it, let the edges match; if not, let them cross. Small bits of

wood or rolls of paper will be needed between them, to preserve the

right distance. When both hives are of one size, the transferred combs

will exactly fit, if you are careful to place them as they were before.

You will now want to know, "what is to prevent these combs from falling

out when the hive is turned over?" This hive is to remain bottom up in

some dark place for some time, or till spring. (See method of wintering

bees.) The bees will immediately join these combs fast; the hive being

inverted, the honey in these combs will be consumed first; and when the

hive is again set out in spring, it will be a rare occurrence for any

pieces to drop out. Should any pieces project beyond the bottom of the

hive, they may be trimmed off even after they are fastened, any time

before setting out. An additional cross-stick may pass under the bottom

of the combs, to assist in holding them, if you desire. You will

probably never discover any difference in the subsequent prosperity in

consequence of the joining or crossing of the combs in the middle. I

have had them in this way, when they were among the most prosperous of

my stocks. As this operation is to be put off till November, it will be

an advantage in another way; that is, families of the same apiary can

be united, and will mostly forget the old location by spring, and no

difficulty arise by returning to the old stand, etc.

