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They Are Poor Dependence

Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

Therefore I would recommend getting a royal cell whenever it is

practical. There is yet another advantage; you will have a queen ready

to lay eggs two or three weeks earlier, than when they are compelled to

commence with the egg. I have put such piece of brood-comb in a small

glass box on the top of the hive instead of the bottom, because it was

less trouble, but in this case the eggs were all removed in a short

hether a queen was reared in the hive or not I cannot say; but

this I know, I never obtained a prolific queen, after repeated

experiments in this way.

It would appear that I have been more unfortunate with queens reared in

this way, than most experimenters. I have no difficulty to get them

formed to all appearance perfect, but lose them afterwards. Now whether

this arose from some lack of physical development, by taking grubs too

far advanced to make a perfect change, or whether they were reared so

late in the season, that most of the drones were destroyed, and the

queen to meet one had to repeat her excursions till lost, I am yet

unable to _fully_ determine. To test the first of these questions, I

have a few times removed all the larvae from the comb; leaving nothing

but eggs, that all the food given them might be "royal pap," from the

commencement, and had no better success so far. Yet occasionally

prolific queens have been reared when I could account for their origin

in no other way but from worker eggs. But you will find they are not to

be depended upon generally.

Sometimes, after all our endeavors, a stock or two will remain

destitute of a queen. These, if they escape the worms, will generally

store honey enough in this section to winter a good family. This will

have to be introduced, of course, from another hive, containing a

queen; but this belongs to Fall management.

As respects the time that elapses from the impregnation of the queen

till the commencement of egg laying, I cannot tell, but guess it might

be about two or three days. I have driven out the bees twenty-one days

after the first swarm, when no second swarm had issued--the young queen

came out on the fourteenth day. I found eggs and some very young larvae.

When it is remembered that eggs remain three days before they hatch, it

shows that the first of these must have been deposited some four or

five days. When writers tell us the exact time to an hour (46 or 48)

from impregnation to laying, I am willing to admit the thing in this

case, but feel just as if I would like to ask how they managed to find

out the fact; by what sign they knew when a queen returned from an

excursion, whether she had been successful or not, in her amours; or,

whether another effort would have to be made; and then, how they

managed to know exactly when the first egg was laid.

Occasionally a queen is lost at other than the swarming season,

averaging about one in forty. It is most frequent in spring; at least

it is generally discovered then. The queen may die in the winter, and

the bees not give us any indications till they come out in spring.

(Occasionally they may all desert the hive, and join another.) If we

expect to ascertain when a queen is lost at this season, we must notice

them just before dark on the first warm days--because the mornings are

apt to be too cool for any bees to be outside--any unusual stir, or

commotion, similar to what has been described, shows the loss. This is

the worst time in the year to provide the remedy, unless there should

happen to be some very poor stock containing a queen, that we might

lose any way--then it might be advisable to sacrifice it to save the

other, especially if the last contained all the requisites of a good

stock except a queen. Some eight or ten, that I have managed in this

way, have given me full satisfaction. I have at other times let them go

till the swarming season, and then procured a queen, or introduced a

small swarm; at which time they are so reduced as to be worth but

little, even when not affected by the worms. To obviate this loss in

this way, it might be an advantage to transfer the bees to the next

stock, if it was not too full already; or the bees of the next stock to

this. Let the age and condition of the combs, quantity of stores, &c.,


