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Guide-combs Necessary

Categories: HIVES.
Bee Keeping: Mysteries Of Bee-keeping Explained

It will be found a great advantage, previous to nailing on the top, to

stick fast to it some pieces of guide-combs in the direction you wish

the bees to work. They are also an inducement for them to commence

several days sooner, than if they had to start combs for themselves;[5]

a piece an inch square will do; it is well to start every comb you want

in the box; two inches apart is about the right distance to look well.

To make these pieces hold fast, melt one edge by the fire, or candle,

or melt some bees-wax, and dip one edge in that, and apply it before

cooling; with a little practice you can make them stick without

difficulty. For a supply of such combs, save all empty, clean, white

pieces you can, when removing combs from a hive.

[5] A line of bees-wax made with a guide-plate, or other means,

is found to be of but little use.

If you have any way superior to this for making glass boxes, so much

the better, make them so by all means: "The best way is as good as

any." I give my method to be used only when better is not convenient.

If you sell honey, I think you will find it an advantage to have glass

boxes made in some way. Two of this size when full weigh 25 lbs. If

preferred, four boxes six and three-eighths inches square, can be used

for a hive instead of two; the expense of making is a little more for

the same number of lbs., yet, when it is in market, a few customers

will prefer this size.

